Conflict Coaches
Workplace Investigators
Ann Skelton founded and co-ordinates Mediation Partners - a network of dispute resolution practitioners, working throughout New Zealand.
Ann Skelton is also:
Fellow AMINZ (Mediation)
Mediation Panel Member AMINZ
Member of Ministry of Education Arbitration Panel; Sport and Recreation Complaints Mediation Service Panel Member; Natural Hazards Cover Dispute Resolution Panel
Council Member of AMINZ
Member of Iwi Community Panel
Member of Association of Workplace Investigators
Co-Convenor of AMINZ Christchurch Network
+ Resolves legal disputes through mediation
+ Create better work places
+ Help businesses reduce risk
+ Provide independent investigations
+ Facilitate expert witness determinations
+ Facilitate difficult conversations
Contract/ construction / insurance / medico-legal / employment /estate
We apply a practical, solution-focussed approach to resolving disputes of any kind or size. There is no one size fits all. It is crucial to recognise the individual needs of the parties and tailor processes to meet the elements of each dispute.
We provide a confidential mediation process where parties in conflict work with a mediator to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.
Facilitation is a similar process to mediation but the focus may be more on encouraging constructive conversations, facilitating feedback and a pathway forward. This is used often in restoring workplace conflict or issues.
This process begins with mediation and the desired outcome to reach an agreed settlement. However, if the parties don't reach agreement then the process will transition to an inquisitorial arbitration or adjudication.
This process begins with mediation and the desired outcome to reach an agreed settlement. However, if the parties don't reach agreement then the process will transition to an inquisitorial arbitration or adjudication. There will be further questioning by the mediator. A binding, legally enforceable written decision will be provided to the parties within 4 weeks of the mediation.
The parties must agree in writing to enter this process BEFORE the commencement of the mediation-arbitration.
This process is focussed on resolution of dispute.